

Building a Bolder & Brighter Tomorrow with Science, Imagination, and the Arts*
while having fun in the process!


      MONTREAL IN 2027

"It's a lot like family, except you don't have to feed, clothe and house everyone
  (nor pay for their college) and a lot like religion, except you don't have to tithe.

<< SEATTLE in 2025! >>
My Art @ Worldcon 80 in CHICAGO 2022
Click here to see my panel at Worldcon 75 in Helsinki
My OryCon39 ART SHOW Exhibit in Portland
My Worldcon76 Adventure in San José

Above: Badges with ribbons from Norwescons 42, 44, and 46

Below: Ribbons I've designed to distribute at upcoming conventions

* My mission is to prepare humankind for the coming era of galactic abundance, interplanetary travel, and extraterrestrial colonization, utilizing education, outreach, and fellowship, placing an especial emphasis on the speculative arts — literary, visual, contemplative, and tonal.

"The Lizard King"
abrasives, alcohol ink and acrylic on aluminum, 12" x 18"

"She Talks to the Moon"
abrasives, alcohol ink and acrylic on aluminum, 16"diameter

"Another Starry Night"
abrasives, alcohol ink and acrylic on aluminum - 20" x 10"

"Stairway to Middle Earth"
acrylic on stretched canvas - 28" x 22"

"Saturn, Titan, and Rhea, seen from Iapetus"
Acrylic on stretched, beveled canvas, 55" x 35"

"Emigrants: Going Forward, Looking Back"
Acrylic on stretched canvas, 36" x 18"

"Immigrants: Auspicious Arrivals"
Acrylic on stretched canvas, 36" x 24"

"Testing the Atmosphere"
Acrylic (and two pebbles) on stretched canvas, 30" x 15"

"Somewhere Beyond the Sea"
abrasives, alcohol ink and acrylic on aluminum, 30" x 10"



John Granacki, Uncommon Genius
Problems Solved        
        Questions Answered
Basic Stuff  $10 to $25
Toughies  $25 to $100
Real Humdingers  $100 and up
Answers questioned FREE!

Need help with your website?
click here for a prospectus summarizing my diverse array of talents

then count your money and give me a call!

Systems Analysis & Software Engineering
Object Oriented Programming ~ Data-driven Website & Database Design 

JAVA ~ C++

n-dimensional Modeling, Simulation,
Animation & Multimedia Integration
Molecular Engineering ~ Rocket Science ~ Time Travel ~ Interplanetary Law

All that, and the dude can PAINT! Captain Belchfire, in the flesh! John Granacki's Atelier
Who ya gonna email?
John Granacki, Master of Space & Time

John Granacki
"World's Slowest Email Responder"
(but well worth the wait!)

Hip to Nanotechnology?  
Get the inside scoop at 
The STEMBOT Project
When molecular assemblers are outlawed,
only outlaws will have molecular assemblers!

My last pre-Covid solo show was a blast and I'm sorry if you missed it.

JULY 2019
"I Wish I was a Spaceman & other Delusional Musings"
Upstairs in The Albert Building
220 N.W. Sixth Street ~ Grants Pass, Oregon
Any time the "Studio Open" sign is out, come on up!
Public Artist Reception on Saturday July 20 * from 1 to 4 pm
* Join me for a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the 1st manned Moon landing!

Robots Welcome!
Antarans will not be served

©2009 – 2024 John Granacki, Master of Space & Time